I Did Six Days of Lumen. Here’s How it Went.

Kris Taylor

Featured Contributor: Erin Willis | Mother Indica & Flower Belly   Call it serendipity or pure coincidence... but I got lucky enough to meet the Lumen team right before they switched their products to adaptogenic superfood elixirs.. a hemp-centric product line that took me by storm because I’m a nutritionist in the cannabis industry.   When we first met at a local coffee shop, the Lumen team was diligently working on releasing an 8 oz. raw hemp green juice. "Alright," I thought, "that’s pretty cool." I didn’t get the chance to try it, because they moved over to a more intense 2 oz....

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Kris Taylor

For the past week, I’ve slept on a backpacker’s blow-up sleeping pad. Not in a tent in Yosemite. Not at a multi-day music festival. Instead, my makeshift bed is nestled between the interior wall of a cargo van and a thousand-pound juice press. Sometimes I’ll dream about adventure in Yosemite or on safari. But do I wish that I was doing that instead of what I’m doing now? Definitely not. With the juicer offloaded at our partner farm, I had a little more room to stretch out. I’m not sharing this in order to romanticize the startup journey or to seek hotel...

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Yasir Hashim 1 comment

A couple months back, I met a successful individual that proclaimed they only sleep for four hours a day. I immediately made the assumption that their success must be due to the extra 3-4 hours in their day and their unwavering dedication to work. I now think it is the latter and not so much the lack of sleep.   Living in the Bay Area, the topic of sleep has again made it to the forefront of my thoughts. I constantly hear that “sleep is for the weak” or “nobody has time for sleep”. I find it hard to believe that the most...

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